Lazy day at Port Charlotte

We awoke to a pretty wet morning so decided to have a lazy day (they used to be "duvet days" before we got Ludo, however he's a lively boy so even these days involve a couple of hours of walkies now).

There is a small beach right beside the Port Mhor campsite so when the weather had improved a bit we took him down there for a bit of a play on the sand and in the water. He really enjoys swimming into the sea to retrieve his tennis ball so that gave him and us some good exercise.

He can get into quite a mess though, as he likes to roll about in the sand when he's been in the water so soon gets covered in the stuff!

We then had a walk around Port Charlotte again, with a brief visit to the Museum of Islay Life for Fiona to make some inquiries about her family connections to the Island, a few generations back on her mothers side. The museum is in an old church and surrounded by a graveyard which we noticed had a Commonwealth War Graves marker, which turned out to be for a couple of sailors who'd fallen during the Great War.
We finished off the day with another pub visit (we feel that Ludo benefits from regular visits to help with his socialisation...!) to the dog friendly Lochindaal Hotel where another of the local whiskys was tasted - a Laphroaig this time. That's one I'm more familiar with as I usually have a bottle of the 10-year in the house, and it's one of the more popular ones in my small collection.